
Review Process Information

The MRCE International Journal of Advancements in Science, Engineering, and Technology (IJASET) follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the publication of high-quality, original, and impactful research. The review process is designed to uphold academic integrity, fairness, and transparency, allowing manuscripts to undergo careful evaluation by experts in relevant fields.
Here is a detailed overview of IJASET's review process:

1. Initial Manuscript Screening: After a manuscript is submitted, it undergoes an initial screening by the editorial team. At this stage, the editors check for compliance with the journal’s formatting guidelines, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope. Manuscripts that do not meet these basic criteria may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected outright. A plagiarism check is also performed using plagiarism detection software to ensure the originality of the work.

2. Assignment to Reviewers: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are assigned to at least two independent peer reviewers who are experts in the relevant subject area. IJASET follows a double-blind peer-review process, meaning that both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This ensures an unbiased and objective review, where the manuscript is judged solely on its merits, without any influence of the authors' identity.

3. Review Criteria: Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:

  • Originality: Whether the research contributes new knowledge, findings, or perspectives to the field.
  • Scientific Rigor: The quality of the research design, methodology, and analysis.
  • Clarity: How well the manuscript is written, including the structure and flow of arguments.
  • Relevance: Whether the manuscript fits within the scope of the journal and has potential interest to its readership.
  • Accuracy: Whether the data and conclusions are supported by the evidence presented in the manuscript. Reviewers provide detailed comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism to help improve the manuscript.
  • 4. Reviewers' Recommendations: After thoroughly evaluating the manuscript, reviewers submit one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept: The manuscript is accepted with no or minor revisions.
  • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor improvements but is acceptable for publication after revision.
  • Major Revisions: The manuscript needs significant changes before it can be considered for publication. Authors will need to revise and resubmit the manuscript for a second round of review.
  • Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal's standards or is unsuitable for publication.
  • 5. Editorial Decision: Once the reviewers have submitted their reports, the editorial team considers their feedback and makes a final decision. The editor-in-chief may decide to:

  • Accept the manuscript as is.
  • Request minor or major revisions based on the reviewers' comments.
  • Reject the manuscript if it does not meet the journal's standards or if the reviewers identify significant flaws in the research. In cases of conflicting reviewer reports, the editor may seek additional reviews or make a judgment based on the majority of opinions.
  • 6. Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are required, the authors are given a specific period (typically 2-4 weeks) to address the reviewers' comments and resubmit the manuscript. A detailed response to the reviewers' feedback must accompany the revised submission, explaining how each comment was addressed. The revised manuscript may undergo further review by the original reviewers to ensure that the revisions meet the journal's requirements.

    7. Final Acceptance: Once the manuscript has been revised to the reviewers’ and editors' satisfaction, it is accepted for publication. The authors receive an official acceptance letter, and the manuscript is forwarded for copyediting, typesetting, and final formatting.

    8. Timeframe: The entire review process typically takes 4-6 weeks, depending on the availability of reviewers and the complexity of the manuscript. The editorial team strives to ensure timely feedback while maintaining the quality of the review.

    9. Publication: After final acceptance, the manuscript undergoes technical preparation for publication, including proofreading, formatting, and final approval by the authors. Once all corrections are made, the article is published in the upcoming issue of the journal. As IJASET is an open-access journal, the article is made freely available to readers worldwide.

    10. Post-Publication Feedback: After publication, readers and researchers may provide feedback on published articles through the journal’s platform. Authors may also be invited to address any further comments or engage with the broader academic community based on their published work.